How to Know If You’re Experiencing a Dental Emergency
March 30, 2022 8:42 am

While no one wants to deal with a dental emergency, you still want to be prepared. The first step is knowing what counts as an urgent oral health problem. Here are some of the most common emergencies:
Broken/Chipped Tooth
You can break your tooth in a variety of ways. Even small cracks and chips make your tooth weaker and more vulnerable. Even if you can’t see that you’ve broken a tooth, you can experience signs like increased temperature sensitivity and pain when you bite down. Not every crack or chip needs immediate attention but always call a dentist as soon as you can. They’ll determine if you need to come in right away or within the next few days.
Agonizing Tooth Pain
Toothaches are a clear sign that something is wrong. Throbbing pain, sensitivity, and swelling often indicate a tooth infection. You want this treated as soon as possible to relieve your pain and stop the infection from spreading.
Severe Gum Bleeding or Swelling
Bleeding, swollen gums usually mean gum disease. You may not need a same-day emergency appointment, but excessive bleeding and swelling imply the disease has become more advanced. You want treatment soon to prevent more serious problems.
Knocked-Out Tooth
If a tooth gets knocked out, it may be tempting to go to the emergency room. But heading to an emergency dentist right away is the better choice. While you’re waiting, apply gentle pressure with a clean gauze to stop the bleeding. If you can find the tooth, put it in a cup of milk or hold it in your cheek. It’s possible to re-implant a knocked-out tooth if it’s treated quickly enough.
Your Emergency Dentist in McKinney, TX
Dental emergencies aren’t always avoidable, but good oral hygiene at home and regular visits to our office can prevent many issues. Dr. Jay and our team are proud to provide our patients with emergency dental care in addition to general dentistry, restorative dentistry, and more! If you have any questions about dental emergencies or want to schedule an appointment, please contact us today.
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