Can a Loose Dental Implant Be Saved?

September 7, 2024 9:00 am

loose dental implant, dental implant issues, McKinney dental implant, saving dental implants, bone loss, implant adjustment, peri-implantitis, implant repair, dental health solutions

Dental implants are one of the most durable and reliable tooth replacement options, but what happens if your implant becomes loose? While a loose implant is concerning, it doesn’t necessarily mean the implant is lost. With prompt attention, a loose dental implant can often be saved. Here’s what you need to know.

Why Do Implants Become Loose?

A dental implant can become loose for several reasons. One common cause is bone loss around the implant. This can happen if the surrounding bone doesn’t fully integrate with the implant, leading to instability. Gum disease (peri-implantitis) is another potential cause, as infections can weaken the tissues and bone that support the implant. Trauma, grinding your teeth (bruxism), or an issue with the restoration (crown or bridge) itself could also contribute to a loose implant.

Can It Be Tightened or Repaired?

The good news is that a loose dental implant doesn’t always need to be removed. If the issue is with the crown or abutment (the part that connects the crown to the implant), your dentist can often fix or tighten these components without affecting the implant post. However, if there’s an issue with the implant post itself, your dentist will evaluate the surrounding bone and gums to determine the best course of action.

What if Bone Loss is the Cause?

If bone loss is the reason for a loose implant, a more involved treatment may be required. In some cases, a bone graft can be done to rebuild the lost bone and stabilize the implant. Generally, the success of this procedure depends on how much bone loss has occurred and your overall gum health.

Steps to Take if Your Implant is Loose

If you notice that your dental implant feels loose, it’s important to contact your dentist right away. Avoid putting pressure on the implant (such as chewing hard foods), as this could worsen the problem. With quick intervention, your dentist may be able to save the implant and prevent further damage.

Saving Dental Implants at Serene Dentistry in McKinney, TX

At Serene Dentistry in McKinney, TX, Dr. Jay Jayachandran, Dr. David Roberts, Dr. Gary Middleton, and Dr. Holland Morrison have extensive experience diagnosing and treating dental implant issues. Whether your implant needs adjustment, or further treatment like a bone graft, we’ll work with you to find the best solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and protect the long-term success of your dental implant.

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